Horny Asian Singles

horny asian singles

So You Want to Date Women – in Demand

This article is entitled “SO YOU WANT TO DATE AN ASIAN GIRL ?”

Why have I written this article you might ask ?

Well I’ve dated many different women from many different cultures (Asian,

Latina, African American, Caucasian American, Caucasian-European) and

let me tell you there are some major differences between the culture

you’re used to and a different female from a different culture.

First off this isn’t about race. Lets get that cleared up. That’s a entirely

different topic that usually deals with a society thing and how they

see dating interracially. This is just about cultural differences

and what a female specifically from the ASIAN culture will expect once

you’re dating. I’ve dated many types of Asian women so I have this down

to a science.

Secondly don’t look at anything I say in this article as a slam on Asians,

nor Asian women. Every culture has their beauty but they also have

their ugly side. If you’re not in their culture it’s Taboo to talk about

it openly without someone saying you’re putting them down. That’s to be

expected. Just please take this as helpful information you can use as a guide

if you descide or are currently dating a Asian woman.

Just like with any culture there are misconceptions based on what a person

may see on TV or the movies. A person may think all Latin women have nice booties

or can salsa dance, or African American women can cook really good and have nice booties too,

and Asian women are quite, shy, and submissive to men. Well we’re here to talk about Asian women

so let’s dispell the myth. 95% of Asian women aren’t shy, quite, nor submissive !

They’re actually HUGELY A STARK cONTRAST from this ! This is where things get a little on the

Taboo side. Most men that has had a long term relationship with Asian woman will tell you

they’re actually quite bossy, materialistic, and mean. WHOA huh ! Sorry to burst your bubble

fellas, but this is the truth, and it’s not a race thing it’s a cultural thing. Huh ?

Let me explain. Asian culture is known to be a culture with little hugs, and warm compliments.

That is for the kids growing up in this culture. I know you’re thinking “but that old Asian

lady at work is so nice”. I’m sure she is, but this is also the face that we all show in public

(our best one). Think about this. Have you ever heard a old Asian lady make a funny but rude

comment about something or someone ? Like “why you cut your hair like that, it’s ugly?” “Or,

your fat, you need to lose weight”. It seems funny at the time but this is how they speak to their

kids, and other family members when thier home. It’s common place. There is harsh criticsm or little

in the way of compliments. Lets say a young lady in this enviorment cleans the house for her mother

instead of saying thank you the mother might rass her and criticize her about the job done, even if the

house is spotless ! Well guess what when she gets into a relationship after the honeymoon phase

is done she will be repeating this kind of behavior on her man, and potetionally her future kids.

It’s a cycle.

Many Asian families are tight-knit. However, the way the interact with each other is with

criticism instead of compliments. Parents rarely hug their children, instead they complain at

them. Now I’m not saying these families aren’t loving, In their own way they are, but this common

place with Asian homes (example – “you think this house is clean, i still see dirt everywhere”).

This goes hand and hand with BOSSY. Most Asian parents with be to a degree Bossy with their

kids which pruduces women that are BOSSY with thier boyfriends, and Husbands.

I thought Asian women were submissive to thier men ? Submissive ? Asian women

have their role in Asian culture, but it’s not what most men think it is. It’s usually a role

of dominance and control. first off look at old Asian culture. Some Asian Cultures have had

women leaders for long periods of time. If they were submissive and had this male dominated

society how could this be the case ? Well, I’m telling you it’s not the case.

In most Asian homes it’s not only the kids that deal with criticism but it’s also the husband.

He didn’t do enough yard work, or didn’t give her enough money for shopping needs,

or doesn’t work hard enough at his job, or didn’t complete a project fast or good enough for her,

or didn’t fill up the minivan with gas, or , or, or, or. You might say American women complain

too. Yes, they sure do, but let me assure you this is to a new level. In this culture nothing

this husband can do will be right. Their are no thank yous, just “but you didn’t do this”.

Most older Asian men fade into the backgrownd why their wives run the show. Most drink hard, and

smoke alot as a result. The wives tend to be shuffling around doing something and complaining

about something that wasn’t done right while the husband sleeps in a easy chair (after a few drinks).

Most Asian men growing up in this cultural see it and accept it as it’s all they know. Most women

repeat the patterns of their mother. The problem comes in when Johnny white boy meets a Asian girl at work,

at the park, on the internet, or at the niteclub. He sees this beautiful exotic female, and her

nice shy way and thinks “wow, I’m lucking out here”. Then after 9 months of dating her and her

being super nice something happens. It’s what I like the call “THE EVENT”. “THE EVENT” is first the time

her real personality comes out. It’s usually over something really, really small. You

might spill a drink. You might be 5 minutes late picking he up somewhere. You might forget to open

up the car door for her, or you might turn down a invite to one of the many Asian family parties

you’ve gone to. These small things are the triggers to make “THE EVENT” happen. What happens though ?

Well let’s put it this way buckle up my friend and get ready for the most scarest ride of your life!

This once nice shy, peaceful, submissive woman will turn 180 degrees on you. First off I’ve met many

men over the years that have had these things happen to them during “THE EVENT”. Soda cans thrown

at them, slapped, yelled at, mean hurtful things said, furniture thrown (chairs, etc). An you’re thinking

“I was just five minutes late”. Or “I’ve been to 20 parties and I’m just saying no to this one

because I’m tired, what’s going on here ?” Whatever the situation is this doesn’t warrant this

kind of behavior on her part.

The problem is this is now the tip of the iceburg. Chances are at some point she might apologize,

but a month later this behavior will rear it’s ugly head again. As time goes on the apologies

will get less, and the behavior more prevelant. Some may be more violent. Some may be less viloent

and more wordy, meaning they will criticize everything you do or don’t do. This constant behavior

usually will happen when the relationship has been going a while. It builds up til this is all it

is. Before you know it that submissive, nice, shy person is gone. All you’re stuck with now

is a woman, that’s bossy, shows little love, criticizes everthing you do, is never satisfied,

and has total control over your relationship. Here’s the funny thing too, everything she yells

at you about she will hypocritically do herself ! HUH ? Yes, if she spills a drink it’s no big deal,

if you do it you will be criticized to the 10 degree ! Why is all of this happening ? Well this is

how she was raised. Chances are this is how her mother talked to her and her father, and

how she interacted with her syblings. This is how she was taught to have relationships. Remember most

people put on their best faces. I’m mean to a degree they know it’s wrong, but it’s the only

way they know how to live. So around strangers, or acquointances they’re the super nice helpful

Asian girl, but at home they rule the house plain and simple. Asian women run the show at home

bottom line !

This is a fact men really need to know. Don’t date Asian woman thinking all of the wrong things.

Like she is submissive, quite, etc, etc. If you do you will get taken for a ride. The thing to

do is know they were raised under different circumstances then you and keep your eyes and ears

open to see if something’s wrong before proceeding further. This is about maximing

your dating so you don’t waist your time with someone that won’t be any good for your life. If something

isn’t right leave and move on instead of trying to work with a girl like this and her problems.

You can’t change a person’s culture. If a Asian woman is acting this way to you chances are this

is how her family has been for generations. Don’t try to change it. If “THE EVENT” happens RUN !

If it never does then you might have a cool Asian female on your hands.

This is where I want to reinterate. I’m not slamming Asian women. This is just pointing out a few

unfortunate truths about the culture. For the record their sense of family is tremendous,

and I think if some other cultures had that sense of family they would be more successful

in the world. The problem in Asian culture is the way they interact with each other as a family.

Just to give you an unbiased example. You may have heard some women say “oh I don’t date a man from

Africa, Middle East, or Morroco.” Even some African-American women say this. Why ? Because,

those cultures tend to have harsh treatment towards women, and have an extremely dominant role for

the man. Again like the women above they will be charming and loving until “THE EVENT” happens,

fallowed by sorries, and time elapsed. Then BAM it will happen again, til the time bewtween these

episodes are shorter, and the sorries are fewer. Are all men like this from these countries. No,

but enough to be at least cautious. Culture is a very strong thing. If a culture is very male

dominated with harsh treatment to the women, and a woman outside the culture is dating a man from this

culture she should be at least aware so she can keep her eyes open for behavior that isn’t right.

This the same for men dealing with Asian women. Know their culture is different. Know there are

somethings that are harsh towards men. Be informed and stay alert, and watch for behavior that

isn’t right.

Materialistic ?

Next myth is Asian women aren’t marterialistic. What a lot of people don’t know unless they’ve spend

lot of time with Asians as the boyfriend of one of these these young ladies is there’s a large

competition factor between Asians, and from one family to the next. Who can provide the better car

for their kid, clothes for their kid, party thrown, Etc. Even for those that don’t have a lot of

money this competition still exist. This usually doesn’t rear it’s head til somewhere down the line

in the relationship. There might be a argument here and there about money, then before you know it

nothing financially you do will be right. You’re now being criticized like the above. Don’t date

a Asian woman thinking “oh they’re less martialistic and expect less then American women. WRONG !

One thing that strikes me is those that like to send money back home (to the Philipines, or Thailand,

etc). I’ve met girls where their parents were dirt poor but expected everyone

to chip in and send money to their home coutries to a relative that was doing well fiancially

at least as far as their country was concerned ! Here I am looking at pictures of this relative’s

custom built home in thier country, and provided the knowledge they have a great job there and do

well financially. Then I see everyone chipping in money to send to this person. I’m like “what the

heck?”. I was then told by my girlfriend “over there they see America as being

so rich, and they expect us to send them money”. “So, you’re parents that wait tables, and are janitors

are expected to send money home to a relative that has a nice house, and good job?” I’m then told angrily

“that’s just how things are !” Again my friend don’t try to change cultural.

I’ve also seen the opposite where the family member over in their home country doesn’t have a lot

of money but gambles alot, but yet everyone feels bad and chips in to send him or her money !

Or it’s family members no one knows that well but they call or write asking for money so everyone

chips in. FYI most of the people in this culture that ask for money usually are the irrisponsible

ones. The ones that don’t ask for money are the prideful ones and are usually responsible and reourceful,

their only problem is giving to those that are irrisponsible. It’s cycle. If you’re with such a responsible

and resourceful woman be prepared to blindly give or get yelled at !

This also rears it’s head in her local family. If she has lots of sisters and brothers expect a couple of them

to be hugely irrisponsible. Guess what ? Yup your woman is piching in to give money. Usually not to the

sybling but to their parents, which the parents then in turn gives it to their irrisponsible kid of

their’s when they need it. If you don’t give you get yelled at ! I’ve used the stance that I didn’t mind

helping her parents (I know stupid huh), but I know that your parents give in every time your sister

needs money. So, if I give it will just end up in your sister’s hands.” Guess what ? No change. Still

get yelled at. This is just the culture.

So what if this Asian woman seems to be more Americanized (no accent, not into the food, etc)?

Still keep your eyes open for this behavior. Chances are she was still raised this way in America.

Meaning her parents are like the above, but she grew up in the US her entire life so she has no

accent. Meaning the same negative behavior could easily happen if this is how she was raised.

faithfulness ? Well in any culture that has mistreatment of either be the man or woman faithfulness

goes down. Just like the example above where the guys from African and Middle Eastern countries have

a rep for dominating to their women. Well when this happens these guys tend to see this woman as a

object not a person. When that happens her worth goes down in his eyes. This is why they also have

the rep for womanizing. Well this is the samething that happens in Asian culture why most of these

women that showed these behaviors were cheating as well. I mean if they are throwing things at you,

yelling at you, making bizzare financial requests of you do you really think you’re the apple of her

eye ? No you’re not. You worth goes down. Once that happens it’s easy to cheat on you. You’re not

a person you’re a possession. Plus you’ve excepted the crappy treatment above and have taken the

apologies why won’t you take cheating ?. It’s a progession in poor treatment. It worsens to the point

where cheating usually happens. This is a common thread in any culture if someone treats you badly,

it’s not a far strech for them to cheat. Well it just so happens that in Asian culture it’s common

for the woman to control the guy and treat him poorly, so you can guess the rest. The thing to keep

in mind once you’ve reached this status in your relationship with such a woman she isn’t concerned

of losing you (no matter what she says) because she knows that she can meet another guy just as easy

as she met you !

Please don’t juge a book by its cover. Meaning, you go to her home, meet her parents and everyone

is so nice. That doesn’t mean they didn’t have the above behavior in their home, it just means

you’re a guest and their being nice to you. It also means don’t go in their thinking you’re not

going to give this female and her family a chance based on this article. You just want to keep you’re

eyes peeled and witts about you. Everyone deserves a chance.

so where did this submissive Asian woman thing start ? Well truthfully it’s a Japanese thing

and some people are to ignorant to know Japanese isn’t the samething as Korean, Chinese,

Thai, Filipino, etc. Japan does have a class system in their speech to each other.

It’s still a harsh culture meaning not as many hugs, and little praise, but the women are taught

to speak a certain way that shows their a lady and not agressive. It’s a culture with rather polite

speech in general, and as a society Japanese are fairly polite. Has this changed a bit since

the modernization of Japan. Sure, but there still is a difference in household roles for men and

women in this culture. Most people I hear that have bad Asian girlfriend stories are rarely

Japanese. Mostly they’re Filipino, Thai, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Korean, and Chinese.

The one that gets the rep of being the most physically abusive and violent are Korean women oddly


So why date Asian women in the first place ? Well for the same reason why you date anyone,attraction,

and the hope they might be nice. If “THE EVENT” never happens. You aren’t getting yelled at on

regular basis because of dumb things, she isn’t making weird financial request of you, you’re chances

of having a good Asian woman increases ! The reason for this article is for you to maximize

you’re time. If you see poor behavior you’ve been forewarnd ! GET OUT ! RUN DON’T WALK. DoN’T TRY TO

FIGURE IT OR HER OUT ! If that behavior never appears then you have a “potentionally” good girl

which is why I still will give Asian women a shot. I’m just a lot more careful since I know a lot

now after several expiriences !

Soon I will submit a article about MAIL ORDER BRIDES AND THE SCAMS TO WATCH OUT FOR !

Also for upping your dating skills for you single guys check out this site !


Thanks all and happy dating !

About the Author


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